Support the Autism Society of Louisiana by purchasing our specialty license plate.
Support the Autism Society of Louisiana by purchasing our specialty license plate.
Support our mission to create connections in Louisiana by purchasing a specialty license plate from the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles. ASLA will get $50 for every license plate purchased or renewed. Click the button below to buy your plate now!

FAQs on Buying Autism Society License Plates
FAQs on Buying Autism Society License Plates
How does a person who reserved a plate number go about obtaining that plate?
How does a person go about obtaining a specialty plate who has not reserved a plate number?
Customers who did not reserve a plate can apply by visiting the Specialized Vehicle Unit located at 7979 Independence Blvd. Baton Rouge La 70806. Out of town customers may also apply for the plate online at www.expresslane.org and mail the application and fees into PO Box 64886 Baton Rouge La 70896.
They may also contact their local office to verify if that office has the plate in stock, and schedule an appointment online at www.expresslane.org for the plate issuance.
How much will a specialty license plate cost?
The Autism plate has the below fees associated.
$50.00 royalty – in addition to regular registration fees, due at initial issuance and all subsequent renewals.
$8.00 – handling fee due on all transactions except renewals.
$3.50 – administrative handling fee due only on initial issuance.
$3.00 – transfer the plate to another vehicle in the applicant’s name.
What if a person has just renewed the registration for their license plate?
Credit is automatically calculated for any time remaining on their current plate. Each plate cost will be different, as it is based on the specific vehicle. There is no credit applied for the $50.00 royalty and handling fees, so at a minimum a customer applying for first time issuance of the plate will pay $61.50 (50.00 royalty, 8.00 handling, 3.50 one time admin fee).
How much money will the Louisiana State Chapter affiliate receive from the sale of each specialty license plate and how will that be distributed by OMV?
Royalty checks are mailed out quarterly by the OMV finance department. The Autism Society Louisiana chapter will receive $50.00 from each plate sold/renewed within that quarter.
Directions for navigating OMV website to view and purchase the specialty plate:
Go to website www.expresslaneorg
Top bar: click on Vehicles
Dropdown menu: Click on Specialized and Personalized License Plates
Top bar: Click on Special Plates This page will have information on what is needed to purchase a plate.
To view the plate, click on: Special Plates Viewer
Dropdown menu: Scroll down to Organization/Service
Under that you will see Autism Society. Click on that to view plate.*If you have difficulty navigating the OMV website, please call: Lauren Debetaz at OMV (225) 922-0974 to ask to have someone in the office assist you with the process.

Contribute to our cause.
Contribute to our cause.
Autism Society Louisiana State Chapter, Inc. is a nonprofit wholly dedicated to creating connections, empowering all in the Autism community to live fully. Help us make a difference and make a donation today. To learn about different ways you can help us, get in touch with us in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.